Running a Creative Business During Nap Time

Running a creative business by raleigh calligraphy

By now, you probably know I run a handmade business from home. And I love it. It allows me to stay home with my boss... ahem I mean toddler {wink}. To be honest, it can be tricky to prioritize my limited work hours, aka nap time. But knowing I have just 2 hours to run my business, it forces me to focus and work efficiently for 2... solid... hours. I use a checklist system to help me stay on track. Doing what you might ask? Well, everything from promoting on social media to responding to my awesome bridal clients, and from hand lettering and then packaging orders to writing this blog for my incredible readers. {yep, that's you}

Raleigh Calligraphy

Yes, the bulk of my business 'Runs on Nap Time'... and coffee, lots of coffee. {smile} Now you may be thinking running a business and raising a family isn't as much fun as you'd thought. Well, although it's not easy, it is completely worth it. Because once the boss-man wakes up, we're headed right to the park for some fun in the sun. There might even be ice cream involved. And I love being able to be here for all the little moments.

Raleigh Calligraphy & Design Banner3

Lately, I'm finding that more people, especially new mommas, are asking me lots of business-y questions. Like wanting to know the nitty-gritty of how to start and run a handmade business from home. Now I want to know YOUR thoughts. This blog is tailored to you, so if this is something you want me to elaborate on in future posts, leave me a comment below or send me a line at and we'll make it happen!
