A Year From Now...

Inspirational Quotes by Karen Lamb, Raleigh Calligraphy

What can you do in a year? Take up a new hobby... Finally read through War and Peace... Master a new skill... Learn a foreign language... Fall in love... Write a book or a blog ... Enroll in classes to advance your career... Start a business or a family...

The possibilities are endless here. Karen Lamb said it best when she said, "A year from now you may wish you had started today." This is one of my favorite quotes at the moment. I especially love how it can apply to both personal life and business life. A year (okay a year plus) ago we started our family and took a gamble on our dreams, and I am so glad we did. A year from now, I will be grateful I never gave up on my business despite the many challenges of entrepreneurship.

A year is a long time. Or is it? People will often tell me that they love my work and that they wish they were as talented. I am always quick to stop them and encourage them to try. Okay, confession time: my regular handwriting is not glamorous and my grocery list does not warrant framing. Like most things in life, calligraphy is a learned skill. A skill that took me roughly a year to 'master'. Which to most people may sound discouraging, but the year is going to pass whether you're learning skills and doing things, or not. So why not give your future self something to thank you for, maybe she'll buy you a drink to celebrate.

So what will you be doing now, that will earn you a watermelon martini a year from now? I'd love to hear what you are working on/planning that will pay off done the line. Feel free to share in the comments. For me, I'm a writer, so I'm writing...