Is Failure Inevitable? + The Winner Is...

Inspirational Quotes by Coco Chanel, Raleigh Calligraphy

"Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." - Coco Chanel Failure is a powerful motivator. And it seems to affect people in very different ways. Let's play out a little scenario just for fun. If you were at my kitchen table right now, sipping coffee this is where I'd ask you to close your eyes. But as my virtual friend, that would make reading this scenario problematic. {wink} Okay, so picture yourself in a room full of people. The room is divided into two groups. Now as far as believing in their own success and the limitlessness of their futures, the people on the left are pessimists whereas the people on the right are optimists.

For people on the left, the fear of failing is perceived as inevitable. In which case, your failure overshadows the possibility of succeeding and you cease to try. The 'why bother?' mentality takes over and you let the opportunity pass you by. Because hey? if your goal is impossible, if you are destined to fall on your face anyway, why not save yourself the embarrassment? {sigh}

On the other hand, the people on the right side of the room look at failure as a fuel rather than a fear. Failure becomes a motivator, an obstacle that can- and will- be overcome. In this case, your fear is of never having succeeded, of missing out on that once in a lifetime moment. You take on a now-or-never perspective. The fear of letting your moment slip through your fingers without ever putting up a fight, well, for you that fear far outweighs the possibility of failing. Regardless of the odds. {smile}

Now open your eyes. Okay *pretend* to open your eyes. Take a good look around the room and think about where you're standing.

What side of the room are you on? What side of the room do you want to start being on? Feel free to comment below with your answer to either one (or both) of these questions for your chance to win RC&D swag. Good luck and have a great week!

Last week's GIVEAWAY winner is... Liz Williams over @ the! Congrats Liz! Please send and email to with your card choice and mailing address.
