100 Self-Care Activities That Go Beyond Bubble Baths

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In a world where self-care is often seen as indulgent, let’s explore the underestimated impact of pampering activities on women's mental and emotional well-being. From DIY facials to guided meditations, this post offers unique and unconventional ideas for self-care that go beyond the stereotypical bubble bath.

Self-care is more than a buzzword. It's a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, yet it is often neglected or seen as a form of indulgence, particularly when there are so many other “important” task we feel we should be doing. However, the power of slowing down to take time for yourself should not be underestimated. It extends far beyond an occasional bubble bath and into a realm of activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

A self-care journey doesn't need to be expensive or time-consuming. There is an array of at-home activities that truly take care of your well-being. A DIY facial, for instance, can be a therapeutic experience, beyond its skin benefits. It is a relaxing activity that allows you to checkin with yourself, while also giving yourself the care that you deserve.

Likewise, guided meditations provide a profound sense of inner peace and mindfulness. It develops emotional resilience, reduces stress, and improves concentration. Meditating is more than just closing your eyes and breathing; it's about tuning into your body and mind, bringing awareness, and instilling calm in your daily life.

Healthy eating is another self-care activity often overlooked. Consuming nourishing, home-cooked meals not only fuels your body with the right nutrients, but it also allows you to take control of your health and engage in the process of cooking. In other words being intentional about being present in the moment.

Adult coloring books, too, have emerged as a popular self-care activity. As simple as it may sound, coloring helps in reducing anxiety and promoting mindfulness. It allows you to focus on a simple and enjoyable task, providing a fun escape from the usual stressors of life.

And then, there are outdoor activities such as gardening or going for a nature walk. Being outside in fresh air has numerous mental health benefits. It boosts mood, improves health, reduces anxiety, and improves memory, among other things. I always thought I had a black thumb, until I bought a Pothos plant. Now I’m slowing filling my house with greenery and it’s the next best thing to being outdoors 24/7.

Below you’ll find a helpful list of 100 self care activities to explore. To make pampering yourself even easier, I have also linked additional resources that will offer more information and even discounts on some of these activities. And remember, it's not about how much you spend but the quality time you spend on yourself that makes self care worth it.

If you haven’t already seen our life planner (which was specifically designed to help you stress less and focus on improving your self compassion!) it’s linked below. Definitely check it out if you want to join me on this journey of infusing life with more happiness. Something we all desperately need, right? :)

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This blog post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission to fund my calligraphy and caffeine habits if you use these links to make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in ink and caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really.

List of 100 Self Care Activities for Women

1. Reading a favorite book

2. Buying fresh flowers or a house plant for your home

3. Going for a nature walk 

4. Enjoying a solo picnic in the park 

5. Practicing daily meditation

6. Joining a yoga class

7. Trying out a new hobby like painting or embroidery

8. Going for regular health check-ups

9. Enjoying a calm morning coffee on the balcony

10. Learning a new language

11. Writing in a daily gratitude journal

12. Spending time alone to introspect 

13. Dedicating time for physical workout

14. Creating a cozy reading corner at home

15. Taking a power nap in the afternoon

16. Experimenting with new healthy recipes

17. Gardening and connecting with nature

18. Starting a DIY project (see our other post about art project ideas)

19. Establishing a skin care routine before bedtime

20. Starting a vitamin/supplement routine that best suits you (this one requires some research but it’s worth it! Check with your healthcare provider)

21. Making homemade smoothies 

22. Organizing a zone in your home to reduce clutter and stress

23. Taking a digital detox once a week

24. Going for a makeover at a beauty salon

25. Learning to play a musical instrument

26. Trying out aromatherapy 

27. Stargazing at night

28. Visiting an art gallery or a museum

29. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day

30. Attending a pottery class 

31. Setting aside time for deep breathing

32. Going on a solo trip 

33. Creating a dream board for future goals (there’s a vision board page in the Helm Planner)

Stress way less.

Space for self care, wellness and anxiety check-ins each month.

Mindset exercises to help you delve into your personal values, learn to give yourself praise and respect, shut out negative self talk and explore your vision for your life.

Plus guided relaxation activities to help you hone in to the present moment and plenty of (blank) space to breath.

34. Enjoying a quiet evening by the beach

35. Joining a book club

36. Spending time playing with pets 

37. Listening to podcasts on personal growth

38. Applying a rejuvenating face mask (I have been using this clay mask from Amazon for years and I love how clean it makes my skin feel)

39. Visiting a farmer’s market for fresh produce

40. Hosting a girls' night in

41. Learning calligraphy! (see our other post about calligraphy tools for beginners)

42. Practicing positive affirmations

43. Trying out a new workout, like pilates or Zumba, either solo or with a friend

44. Reading inspiring biographies

45. Journaling thoughts and feelings

46. Taking time to watch the sunrise or sunset

47. Preparing a home-cooked meal

48. Trying guided imagery for relaxation 

49. Volunteer your time for a cause you care about

50. Handwriting a letter to a loved one or yourself

51. Practicing mindfulness and staying in the present (see our other post about mindfulness)

52. Learning and applying makeup techniques

53. Treating yourself with a spa day

54. Learning about nutrition and maintaining a balanced diet

55. Watching the clouds and letting your thoughts drift

56. Lighting a scented candle and listening to calming music

57. Trying cold plunge or taking a cold shower to trigger the release of endorphins

58. Trying out a new hairstyle or haircut

59. Enjoying a warm cup of herbal tea, a cozy blanket and your favorite show

60. Visiting a new city or sightseeing spot 

61. Subscribing to a fitness or wellness magazine

62. Taking a cycling tour in the city

63. Visiting the local library and exploring new genres

64. Trying laughter yoga

65. Setting personal life goals and working towards them (there’s a dedicated life goal section in the Helm Planner)

66. Reading or writing inspirational quotes 

67. Planning and cooking a themed dinner

68. Taking a scenic drive 

69. Chatting with a friend while taking a walk together

70. Exploring a local book shop or thrift store

71. Using an adult coloring book for relaxation (PSST! There are coloring pages in the Helm Planner)

72. Trying a new clothing style

73. Establishing a calming morning routine

74. Giving yourself a mani-pedi treatment (I use this OPI Nail Lacquer from Amazon and it lasts almost a week)

75. Learning to swim or joining a swimming class

76. Making a DIY sugar scrub with items in your pantry, like honey and brown sugar

A better life planner

A life planner packed with creativity, designed to bring you less stress and more happiness.

77. Taking photography trips 

78. Learning gua sha for better skin (I use this jade gua sha tool from Amazon)

79. Creating a relaxing sleep routine

80. Setting boundaries for personal space and time

81. Joining a creative writing workshop

82. Spending time with loved ones

83. Calling a friend or your mom and asking about their day

84. Learning about different cultures and traditions

85. Getting a massage

86. Practicing self-compassion and acceptance (see our other post about self-esteem)

87. Trying out different kinds of herbal teas (my current favorite is lavender chamomile tea)

88. Starting a project from Pinterest (or visit the crafts section of our blog)

89. Investing in comfortable loungewear

90. Playing your favorite music and dancing like nobody’s watching

91. Refreshing your skin with dry brushing (I use the Zen Me dry brush from Amazon)

92. Applying a deep conditioning hair mask

93. Learning to bake homemade bread or pastries

94. Watching a comedy for a good laugh (I love rewatching Friends as it will forever make me laugh!)

95. Joining a group around your hobbies to make new friends

96. Trying a new perfume (I’m currently trying to find a new signature sent and just ordered from Alt Fragrances. You can use my referral link for 20% off)

97. Learning stress management techniques to reduce stress (see our other post about reducing stress)

98. Creating a cozy reading corner outside

99. Watching a feel good movie curled up with your favorite snack

100. Treating yourself to a favorite dessert

Pampering activities are powerful tools in promoting overall well-being. They help women to nurture their emotional and mental health, thus enhancing their quality of life. So, the next time you think of self-care, remember, it's not just about bubble baths. There's a whole world of pampering activities that await, ready to enhance your wellness journey.

While you’re here, be sure to also grab the FREE PRINTABLE: Holistic Self-Care Strategies that I created in collaboration with Chris McDonald, the therapist I interviewed on prioritizing self care. You can grab the download and read the blog post here: Planning your Mental Health: How a Planner can Help You Prioritize Self-Care. Enjoy!

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